Friday, 18 January 2013


when creating this mood board, i took into consideration the key iconography presented within a detective-mystery. However i also needed to take into account the time my storyboard will be set in to determine what features are suitable and what is no longer conventionally used within this genre.
i also had to take into account the style of the Antagonist within this genre, when researching into this, i discovered, traditionally we don't see this character until the very end of the film and even when we do see them, they are presented as a dark and mysterious character and therefor can not make out and feature of the character. However the protagonist is seen very clearly and the costume for this character is usually very neat and smart. a very well known convention of the protagonist in this type of genre, is that they smoke, either a pipe or a cigar, depending on the time it is dated in.
After researching into this genre and creating this storyboard i have been able to gather a greater grasp into the layout and conventions into the detective-mystery genre.

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